Case Study #Vertigo_Hearing loss

Update on 13/09/2022 by 

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Usually 40 years old

Occur both male and female

Remember to make sure to dig out ear wax, not using cotton bud but ear scoop stick.

Possible cause Tinnitus 耳鸣

Is your Vertigo affect by (1) Peripheral Problem (affecting ear area: vestibular apparatus) or (2) Central Problem (affecting brain stem area: vestibular nucleus.

(1a) BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)

(1b) Meniere's Disease

Cause: listen to loud music and always use headphones or headset.

Lead to permanent deaf

Low immunity system (Bio C, drink cherry water) 

Double X, protein for daily essential needs and probotic to improve supplement adsorption when intestine is well taken care of by good gut bacteria.

Why engage JoAnne's service?  

JoAnne always attend Amway trainings so that to grow products knowledge and attend team building training to improve personal growth.  JoAnne nutrition's knowledge increases as she is always on the go meeting people, get to know many types of health problems and JoAnne applies what she had learnt in Amway product training to improve customer's health.  With strong understanding of Nutrilite Brand, more than 80 years worldwide, JoAnne have full confidence in Amway company, knowing that her customers are in good hands.

WhatsApp JoAnne PeaceMind

*Disclaimer: This study research is for learning purpose of how to heal body naturally with Nutrilite (Highest Quality of Organic Supplements) without using any medication drugs.  Nutrilite supplements have proven health improvement and safe to consume.  Dosage of supplements intake is subjective. Incorporate supplements intake together with exercising, food drink intake and healthy lifestyle are vital to health improvement. Click here to watch what is Nutrilite Organic